Heavy Fabrication
Vital Link has an aerospace quality fabrication department that is certified to all necessary AWS specifications as well as MIL-SPEC requirements. Our fabricated products range in size from small, intricate pieces to large weldments and fabricated structures.
From Jet Engine Test Cell Thrust Frames to Very Large - Scale Intake & Exhausts to Energy Service Skids to Modular Test Cells & Cabs we produce large close tolerance fabrication. We utilize our specialized and standard types of welding machines and equipment necessary to perform the welding of test fixtures needed for your project. New heavy Pull Test foundations and frames have been added at all locations. Atec now offers heavy power and explosion testing. Celtech and Vital Link offer large outdoor forklifts, covered storage and large lay down areas to our heavy fab capabilities. We offer complete material origin tracking to assure all products are fabricated with proper base alloys and welding materials. Atec has a supplier qualification and rating system, and alliances with proven suppliers offering significant extensions of our fabrication capabilities, under the supervision of our inspectors.
- Tube Bending
- NDT & Couponing
- Waterjet
- Laser Cutting
- Large Scale Sawing
- Machining & Grinding
- 3D Printing & Modeling
- Plate Bending, Rolling, & Shearing
- Electric Welding
- Flame Welding & Cutting

Vital Link is the leader in manufacturing large fabricated structures
- Heavy Frameworks
- Large Support Structural Silencers
- Large Augmentors/Exhaust Tubes
- Complex Steel Structures
- Sub - Systems Skidding
- Thrust Frames & Engine Adapters
- Engine Holding Equipment
- Clevises, Tie - Downs & Deadmen
- Actuated Work Platforms
- Hoists, Lifts & Trailers
- Cranes & Monorails
- Stainless Steels
- Aluminum
- Carbon Steels
- Beryllium Copper
- Torlon
- Composites
- A286
- Inconel
- Aeromet
- Monel
- Insulators

USAF IDIQ Contractor for Hush House Relocation and Sustainment
Government Programs
- 50 Acres on 4 Campuses
- Scaffolding, Work Platforms
- Numerous Welding Tables
- Boom Lifts
- Heavy Forklifts
- High Scissor Manlifts
- MIG, TIG, Arc, Gas & Braze
- Holding and Rotating Fixtures
- Overhead Cranes
- Laser Cutting
- Sand Blasting Facilities
- Large Painting Enclosures
- High Capacity Electric Service
- Large Scale Machining
- Moving Dollies & Rollers
- Laser Measuring Devices
- Huge Pull Test Fixtures
- Brakes & Shears

The VLI team is uniquely qualified.
Qualified to properly integrate hush house and test system solutions to US military configurations worldwide.Large Scale Fabrication
Vital Link’s fabrication plant has 30 acres, 100,000 square feet and 100 personnel. Celtech’s large scale fabrication assets have increased our production capacities and our field services.
Atec adds value to the project through design optimization, manufacturing analysis and the latest in design tools.
Continuous Improvement
Atec is committed to continuous improvement and regular product reviews to insure our customers get the maximum utilization of equipment life cycles and compatibilities. In most cases, Atec equipment is originally designed with product modernization and overcoming component obsolescence in mind. Our customers have come to expect decades of product usage and support from Atec.
Configuration Control
Atec, Vital Link, Celtech, VLE and Hager Machine & Tool understand the requirements of configuration control and compatibility for both modernized/new items and older fielded assets. Where repair operations require incremental technology refreshments for obsolete/unavailable components to maintain form, fit, function, familiarity and interface under O&M expense programs, we can work with field personnel to insert the best practical technology per approved configurations.