Atec Equipment on Jay Leno’s Garage

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Jay Leno’s Garage visits Edwards AFB in Season 2, episode 12. The Space Age episode shows Atec-manufactured equipment at the test cell on base and Jay Leno uses the Atec throttle to power up the Pratt & Whitney F119 engine! He then takes Neil DeGrasse Tyson (celebrity astrophysicist) on a joy ride in his Honeywell jet engine-powered car. Also in the episode, Jay Leno drives the mock-up of the Mars Rover, similar to the Curiosity Rover on Mars. Fun fact: Atec valves were part of the upper stage rocket that launched the MSL & Curiosity Rover back in 2011. Not to be missed, this episode ties how jets and the space age have influenced car design, technology and culture. Link to the episode below, Atec equipment featured from 8:56-10:00:

Link to Mars Rover Video:

Atec provided the following test equipment seen in the video:

  • Test Stand
  • Concrete Test Pad
  • Bellmouth & Screen
  • Engine Mount
  • Cables & Hoses
  • Fuel Delivery System
  • Throttle
  • Standard Day Unit
  • Engine Control Panel
  • Mach Number Simulator
