Summer Update — Atec Growing!

This is a period of strong growth for Atec, with over 55 engineers and record employment, field crews busy repairing and refurbishing test stands around the globe to support our USAF IDIQ contract, and a space team that is rapidly expanding. Our subsidiary, Celtech Corp. is busy with test stand production, and Atec is looking at other external growth opportunities.

Our European activity is increasing with the help of our new consultant, Don Drewry, who comes to Atec as a former president of a premier large test cell company.

Atec is busy completing two Phoenix™ modular test cells in our factory to be shipped to a customer in California. “We are proud to be producing our 10th modular test cell. Our customers appreciate that our Phoenix™ test cells are portable assets, while offering all the functionality of brick and mortar test cells, as well as financing and resale advantages,” said Paul Fenley, Atec President.

Atec is looking forward to the GPS 2F-10 launch coming up in July. The launch of this Global Positioning System Satellite will mark the 110th launch with Atec manufactured and tested valves on a RL10 final stage rocket engine. Other exciting news in July is the long awaited flyby of the New Horizons spacecraft by dwarf planet Pluto. Launched in 2006 aboard an Atlas V rocket with Atec manufactured RL10 valves, it has traveled for nine years and 3 billion miles and is rapidly approaching Pluto. Flyby date is set for July 14, 2015.

“Atec continues in a strong growth mode. Monthly throughput, personnel, assets, backlog and external opportunities are all at record levels. Our product development and improvement efforts, along with our infrastructure upgrades at all locations, offer worldwide excellence to our fast growing international clientele.” announced Atec’s Chairman, Howard Lederer.
